Last November on a visit to Sierra Leone we met a young boy; he was in pain and whimpered quietly to himself as we were introduced to the church full of people. He sat by his mum and it soon became obvious that there was something seriously wrong so we asked his mum what the problem was. She told us that two weeks earlier her son had been playing football when he fell and broke his leg….in two places. She could not afford medical help and could not raise the money for transport.
At Mabang we met a young man with his two small children. He had just buried his wife because she had not been able to reach the hospital quickly enough.
This summer at Brama School in the two weeks that we were there at least six children were taken ill with malaria. At Bethesda two children needed treatment for malaria and one for typhoid.
We were able to help those that I have mentioned but the need is enormous.
Magnus Bendu has expressed his great concern for the necessity of cheap, available medical support. He has asked us to consider building and equipping a Health Clinic in Sierra Leone. Last June as a church at Zion we prayed for confirmation that this was a project that we should support. That very evening a cheque was received (not from a church member) enough to purchase land. Confirmation indeed!
What happens when your child, grandchild becomes ill? G.P. or A &E. or a pharmacist, or dial 111. What happens in Sierra Leone? Usually nothing and then…….. Please join us in this brilliant project that will change and ultimately save the lives of our brothers and sister in Sierra Leone.